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The Enchanted Forest Lily

The Enchanted Forest Lily, a young girl, with a curious look, Ventured into the woods, her heart all aglow, Eager to explore, to see where it would go.

Young girl with curious look in enchanted forest, colors: green, yellow

She followed a trail, covered in emerald green moss, Listening to whispers of leaves as she crossed, The sound of a babbling brook guiding her way.

Trail covered in emerald green moss in enchanted forest, colors: green, sparkling blue

She stumbled upon an old oak tree so wise, Its branches whispered secrets as they danced in the skies, The tree asked Lily to stop and listen with care.

Old oak tree with wise branches in enchanted forest, colors: brown, green

Lily closed her eyes and let her heart be still, She listened to the stories the forest would spill, Creatures big and small, sharing their tales.

Young girl with curious look, colors: green, yellow with closed eyes listening to forest's stories in enchanted forest, colors: green, pink

A squirrel shared jokes, making her giggle and play, A butterfly whispered dreams, inspiring her each day, The enchanted forest filled her heart with such joy.

Squirrel making Young girl with curious look, colors: green, yellow giggle, butterfly inspiring her in enchanted forest, colors: brown, yellow, blue

As the sun began to set and the day turned to night, Lily thanked the forest for its wondrous sight, She promised to return and listen again soon.

Setting sun in enchanted forest, colors: orange, purple

Back home in her bed, under a cozy sheet, Lily dreamt of the forest, where her heart felt complete, She learned that by listening, she could discover so much.

Young girl with curious look, colors: green, yellow dreaming of the enchanted forest in her bed, colors: pink, blue

So remember, my dear, as you go on your way, Listening to others brings brightness each day, In a world full of stories, let your heart be your guide.

Message of the story, colors: colorful

Reflection Questions

  • What brings brightness each day?
  • Who ventured into the woods?
  • What did the tree ask Lily to do?

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