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The Fall of Eve and Adam

Eve's sin was to obey the devil, to know...

Long flowing brown hair, green dress with floral pattern holding the forbidden apple, tempting serpent nearby

Adam's sin was to obey Eve, to love...

Short curly blond hair, beige tunic and brown pants reaching for the apple, Long flowing brown hair, green dress with floral pattern looking hopeful

Eve's desire became Adam's Eve...

Short curly blond hair, beige tunic and brown pants and Long flowing brown hair, green dress with floral pattern embracing, surrounded by blossoms

The apple is peeled, the unity is broken...

Short curly blond hair, beige tunic and brown pants and Long flowing brown hair, green dress with floral pattern standing apart, apple split in half

And they were expelled from heaven from bliss...

Short curly blond hair, beige tunic and brown pants and Long flowing brown hair, green dress with floral pattern banished, gates of paradise closing

When they listen to delusion...

Short curly blond hair, beige tunic and brown pants and Long flowing brown hair, green dress with floral pattern covering their ears, serpent whispering

Joyfully knowing and being known, monopolizing...

Short curly blond hair, beige tunic and brown pants and Long flowing brown hair, green dress with floral pattern smiling and holding hands, surrounded by hearts

God, who loves to be known, declared a way to come back home...

God reaching out to Short curly blond hair, beige tunic and brown pants and Long flowing brown hair, green dress with floral pattern, light shining from above

Reflection Questions

  • How did Eve's sin lead to Adam's sin?
  • What happened when Adam and Eve listened to delusion?
  • What did God do to help Adam and Eve come back home?

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