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The Farmer and the Snake

Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted farmer named John.

A farmer in a green field with a smiling face.

One day, as John was working in his field, he saw a snake trapped in a bush.

A snake stuck in a bush with bright colors.

Feeling sorry for the snake, John carefully freed it from the bush.

The farmer helping the snake with a concerned expression.

The grateful snake slithered away and disappeared into the grass.

A snake happily slithering away into tall green grass.

Days passed, and John forgot about the snake.

The farmer looking confused and thinking.

One sunny day, while John was resting under a tree, he heard a hissing sound.

The farmer sitting under a tree, looking surprised.

It was the same snake he had saved! But this time, it was in danger.

The snake in trouble with a worried expression.

Without hesitation, John helped the snake once again.

The farmer rescuing the snake with a determined look.

Reflection Questions

  • Why did the farmer rescue the snake?
  • What happened when the snake reappeared later?
  • Why do you think it's important to help others?

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