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The First Halloween Night

In a cozy little town, Amir was thinking about the coming night. It was his first Halloween here.

Young boy, short dark hair, brown eyes, wearing an astronaut costume anticipates Halloween, cozy town setting.

Amir's mom said, 'Tonight, we go trick-or-treating. It's a fun game where we collect sweets!'

Young boy, short dark hair, brown eyes, wearing an astronaut costume's mom explains Halloween tradition.

They decorated the house with pumpkins and spooky ghosts, hanging from tree branches.

Decorating the house with traditional Halloween items.

Amir put on his costume, a bright astronaut suit. 'I'm ready for a space mission for candy!' he cheered.

Young boy, short dark hair, brown eyes, wearing an astronaut costume dresses up in his astronaut costume.

Outside, children laughed and their costumes filled the streets with pirates, princesses, and superheroes.

Children in costumes flood the town streets.

Amir's first stop was at Mr. Wilson's house. 'Trick or treat!' Amir said, holding out his candy bag.

Young boy, short dark hair, brown eyes, wearing an astronaut costume's first attempt at trick-or-treating.

To his surprise, Mr. Wilson gave him a full-sized chocolate bar. 'For our brave astronaut,' he smiled.

Friendly neighbor, bald, glasses, wearing a sweater gives Young boy, short dark hair, brown eyes, wearing an astronaut costume his first Halloween candy.

More houses followed, and Amir's bag grew heavy with candies, chocolates, and lollipops.

Successful trick-or-treating, bag gets heavy.

At the end of the street, there was a haunted house. Amir felt a bit scared but also curious.

Young boy, short dark hair, brown eyes, wearing an astronaut costume encounters a spooky haunted house.

With some encouragement from his mom, Amir approached the door and rang the bell, heart pounding.

Young boy, short dark hair, brown eyes, wearing an astronaut costume musters courage to ring the haunted house's doorbell.

The door creaked open and out came a kind old lady. 'Oh my, a little astronaut! Have some candy!'

A kind lady greets Young boy, short dark hair, brown eyes, wearing an astronaut costume at the haunted house.

Back home, Amir poured out his treasure of sweets. 'This was the best Halloween!' he exclaimed.

Young boy, short dark hair, brown eyes, wearing an astronaut costume happy at home with his Halloween candy haul.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Amir felt about celebrating Halloween for the first time?
  • What made Amir brave enough to approach the haunted house?
  • Why is sharing a kind gesture, like giving candy, important in making new friends?

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