In the heart of a sunny neighborhood, there stood a magical tree known to all as the Friendship Tree. It was not just any tree—it had the most colorful and bright flowers anyone had ever seen. Each flower shone with a special light, the light of friendship.
Pretend to plant a seed in the ground for a new friendship flower.
Sunshine Sam, a cheerful girl with a big smile, loved the Friendship Tree. She noticed that some flowers had begun to wilt. 'Oh no!' she cried. 'The Friendship Tree needs our help!'
Show your sad face when you see the wilted flowers.
She called her friends around and they gathered under the tree. 'We must find what each wilting flower stands for,' said Sam. 'And bring back those good friend qualities!'
Huddle close together as if discussing an important plan.
The first wilting flower stood for 'listening'. So, off they went to practice listening to each other, making sure everyone was heard. After a while, the flower started to perk up!
Pretend to listen carefully with your hand to your ear.
The next flower drooping low was 'sharing'. The children shared their favorite toys and snacks. Laughter filled the air, and the flower bloomed back to life!
Pretend to share your favorite toy with a friend.
Several other flowers needed help, for kindness, honesty, and cheer. Each time, the children worked together, showing each quality until every single friendship flower was vibrant again.
Act out being kind, honest, and cheerful with friends.
The Friendship Tree was now full of life. 'We did it!' cheered the kids. From that day on, they remembered to always communicate with love and help each other grow, just like the flowers on their special tree.
Cheer loudly and give your friends a big thumbs up!