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The Gift of Sight

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a blind girl who struggled with self-hatred because of her blindness.

Introduction, village setting, Blind, fair skin, kind eyes's internal struggle

The girl's one source of happiness was her loving boyfriend, who never left her side and cared for her deeply.

Introduction of the Blind, warm-hearted, caring, his unwavering support, love for the girl.

She often said that if only she could see the world, she would marry him, as she felt he was the only person she didn't hate.

Girl's longing for sight and marriage, deep emotional connection to the Blind, warm-hearted, caring.

One day, a miraculous donation of eyes gave her the ability to see. Overjoyed, she looked at her loving boyfriend and he asked her to marry him.

Transformation after receiving the gift of sight, Blind, warm-hearted, caring's marriage proposal.

When the girl saw her boyfriend, she realized he was blind too. She shockingly refused to marry him and he left heartbroken.

Girl's shocking realization, rejection of the Blind, warm-hearted, caring, his heartbroken departure.

The boyfriend later wrote a letter, expressing his deep love, and telling her to 'take care of my eyes, dear.'

Boyfriend's emotional letter, his final message to the girl.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think the girl felt when she realized her boyfriend was blind too?
  • What do you think the boyfriend meant when he wrote 'take care of my eyes, dear'?
  • How would you have reacted if you were in the girl's place?

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