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The Grand Celebration of Ayodhya

Once upon a time, in a bright and bustling city called Ayodhya, a very special day was about to come. The people of the city were happy and excited because after 500 long years, a beautiful temple for Shri Ram was being rebuilt. Everyone was talking about it, from the young kids playing in the streets to the old uncles sitting and sipping tea.

Introduction to Ayodhya's excitement over the temple reconstruction.

Little Anaya, with her sparkling brown eyes, had heard stories about Shri Ram from her grandparents. She knew that he was very brave and always told the truth. When Anaya heard that the temple was almost ready, she wanted to do something special. So she decided to help in her own sweet way.

Little girl with sparkling brown eyes and a big smile learns about the temple and decides to contribute.

She started by drawing pictures of Shri Ram with his bow and arrow. She drew so many that her room was filled with colors. When her friends saw her drawings, they wanted to help too. Together, they decided to make a big, colorful banner to show how much they loved Shri Ram.

Little girl with sparkling brown eyes and a big smile and friends create art to celebrate Shri Ram.

The day of the inauguration of the temple finally arrived, and the entire city was decorated with flowers and lights. People were singing and dancing; some were even playing drums and flutes. Anaya and her friends rushed through the crowd, holding their big banner up high for everyone to see.

Celebrations on the day of the temple inauguration.

On every corner, people gave out yellow rice and pamphlets that told the story of Shri Ram and the new temple. Anaya's tiny hands were full of rice, and her heart was full of joy. She felt like she was a part of something truly special and important.

Distribution of yellow rice and pamphlets.

As the sun started to set, the crowd gathered to hear the temple's priest tell stories about Shri Ram – how he was strong, good, and kind, and loved by everyone. Anaya listened closely and whispered to her friends that they should be like Shri Ram too – always doing what's right.

Listening to stories and lessons of Shri Ram.

When the moon shone bright, Anaya felt sleepy, but before going to bed, she said a little poem that she had made up: 'Brave and strong, always kind, Shri Ram's in our hearts, and in our minds. Guiding us to be good and true, Just like the moon, his love shines through.' The temple of Ayodhya, lit up by stars, stood tall and proud, just like the stories in her heart.

Little girl with sparkling brown eyes and a big smile's bedtime poem and the splendid view of the temple at night.

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