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The Great Big Hug

Vanessa and Valerie were twins who loved to play in the santuari park.

Twin sister, brown hair, freckles, blue eyes, kind smile, Twin brother, brown hair, green eyes, energetic grin playing, sunny park, laughter

They raced to the swings, their giggles ringing through the air.

Twin 5years old sister, brown hair, freckles, blue eyes, kind smile, brown long hair, green eyes, energetic grin playing, sunny park, laughter,race

Vanessa reached the swings first, but let Valerie have the first turn.

Twin 5 years old sister, standing sister, play swings sister, brown long hair, freckles, blue eyes, kind smile, sunny park, laughter, swings, playground

While Valerie swung high, Vanessa noticed a small puppy alone by the bench.

standing, 5 years old sister, brown long hair, freckles, blue eyes, kind smile, energetic grin playing, sunny park, laughter, one brown puppy by the bench alone

The puppy looked sad and had no collar. 'Can we help him?' Vanessa asked.

Twin 5 years old sister, brown long hair, blue eyes, sunny park, asking, doubt, ask for help

They decided to take the puppy home and made a cozy bed for it.

twin 5 years old sister, brown long hair, pity mood, sunny park, looking at one brown color puppy no collar.

Mom smiled warmly, 'You've done a kind thing,' she said softly.

mom smiling kind face, welcoming two 5 years old girl and one brown puppy , brown long hair, house, door.

At dinner, the twins shared their food with the little puppy.

Twin 5 years old sister, brown long hair, freckles, blue eyes, kind smile, laughter, dining table, 2 little long hair girl, mother, share food with brown little puppy

Valerie held the puppy close, 'We'll find your home,' she promised.

younger sister, hug brown little puppy in the house

The next day, they made 'Found Puppy' posters and hung them up.

two 5 years old sister, brown long hair, freckles, blue eyes, kind smile, making lost and found poster, on table.

A lady and her daughter came to their door, tears in her eyes. 'That’s my Luna!'

Twin sister, brown long hair, freckles, blue eyes, tears, dog poster, house door, lady crying., old lady.

Luna leaped into her arms. The twins felt happy and sad all at once.

Twin 5 years old sister, brown long hair, freckles, blue eyes, smile and sad at once, wave hand good bye.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Mia felt when she first saw the puppy alone?
  • Why do you think the twins were willing to share their dinner with Luna?
  • Can you describe a time when you felt both happy and sad like Mia and Max did?

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