Once upon a time in the whimsical forest of Whimsywood, there lived a speedy bunny named Benny and a wise, slow-moving turtle named Toby.
Benny boasted, 'I'm the fastest in the forest!', hopping with a twinkle in his eye and a puffed-up chest. 'You might be fast,' said Toby slowly, 'but are you truly the best?'
Benny wiggled his whiskers and said, 'Let's race! Right through this magical place!' Toby agreed, with a knowing grin, 'Let's see how this story will begin.'
With a thumpity-thump and a ready, set, go, Benny dashed off, his feet a-blur, while Toby began slow.
Benny zoomed into the distance, leaving dust and fluff, while Toby took his time, never in a rush.
The forest animals cheered, 'You can do it, Benny!' And whispered among themselves, 'Toby's slow, if any.'
But Benny had a secret, a sneaky mouse's trick, he rested by a shady tree, feeling quick thickening his wick.
Dreams of victory swirled in Benny’s head, but slow and steady Toby kept plodding ahead.
On and on Toby went, with a plod and a pace, nearing the finish line, with a calm, smiling face.
Suddenly Benny woke, with a hop and a dash, but it was too late, he could never rehash.
Toby crossed with a cheer, 'Never sought to be first, only wanted to finish, with effort well-versed.'
Benny learned a lesson, in that whimsical race, speed’s less important, than a steady, steady pace.
Reflection Questions