In a magical forest, not too far away, lived a hare named Zippy, playful every day.
Zippy was fast, quick as a flash, always zipping by in a dash.
One bright morning, with the dew still wet, old Tortoise Tom called out a bet.
"Let us race!" said Tom with a hearty cheer. "But beware, dear Zippy, don't take this lightly, my dear!"
Zippy laughed, "You're so slow, I'll nap before you even go!"
The race began with a bang and a boom, Zippy zoomed past like a rocket in bloom.
Tom took his time, slow and steady, moving forward, always ready.
Zippy soon stopped by a cool shady tree, "I'll rest for a while, Tom won't catch me!"
Tom plodded on, step by step, saying, "Slow and steady, wins this pep!"
Zippy woke up with a start and a sneeze, found Tom near the finish with absolute ease.
Zippy dashed off, as quick as he might, but Tom crossed the line, oh what a sight!
Tom won the race, slow and steady. Zippy learned, 'Patience is always ready!'
Reflection Questions