In the town of Topsy-Turvy, where nothing was quite straight, a colorful school stood tall, with windows that danced and gates that giggled.
In this school, all was amiss. Classrooms twirled as if to kiss. There were Giggle Giraffes, Silly Sloths, and even a Monkey Monk.
Amongst the hustle and bustle, a curious squirrel named Sammy set forth to find the magic of unity in his own myriad way.
"Listen close," said Sally Sloth, sliding slow and spry, "There's magic in the air today, an echo to comply!"
At recess, everyone gathered 'round, a hopscotch court drew a crowd. With a single square for all to share, they knew this was something rare.
"One step forward, two steps wide," Puffy Panda did abide. "When we play and work together, everything is so much better!"
"Hear the beat and tap your feet," chanted Jumpy Jackrabbit, fleet. "In this game of hop and catch, everyone will find their match!"
They hopped and skipped with utter glee, laughing loud and wild and free! No one cared who played the best, for everyone had passed the test.
"We are different, yet the same," a furry chorus sang in fame. "Unity is what we gain when we play this special game!"
From this day forth, in Topsy-Turvy, every student, young or old, learned the lesson Sammy told: Unity is precious gold!
Togetherness, in all its hues, is a treasure each can choose. The Harmony Hopscotch wasn’t just a game; it was a dream to forever proclaim!
So remember, wherever you are, be it school or near or far, when together you boldly stand, the world feels like a wonderland!
Reflection Questions