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The Heroic Frog

Once upon a time, there was a brave adventurer named Jack.

Brave adventurer with brown hair and a determined face holding a map and a sword, ready for adventure

One day, Jack arrived in a magical kingdom ruled by an evil princess.

Evil princess wearing a black gown and a crown

As Jack explored, he fell into a deep pit filled with slimy green water.

Brave adventurer with brown hair and a determined face falling into a pit, scared expression on his face

Suddenly, a heroic frog jumped out of the water and saved Jack!

Heroic frog with a cape, leaping towards Brave adventurer with brown hair and a determined face

The frog explained that he used to be a prince, and the evil princess turned him into a frog.

Heroic frog telling his story, sad expression on his face

Together, Jack and the frog hatched a plan to defeat the evil princess.

Brave adventurer with brown hair and a determined face and the frog whispering and drawing a plan

With their teamwork, they outsmarted the evil princess and broke the curse.

Brave adventurer with brown hair and a determined face and the frog celebrating, Wearing a black gown with a crown on her head defeated

Jack and the heroic frog became best friends and continued their adventures.

Brave adventurer with brown hair and a determined face and the frog walking side by side, smiling

Reflection Questions

  • What did the evil princess do to the frog prince?
  • Who saved Jack when he fell into the pit?
  • What did Jack and the frog do together to defeat the princess?

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