One sunny afternoon in the small town of Green Meadows, Maxie, Lily, and Mike were playing in their treehouse.
Maxie pulled out a game, Lily shared her colorful pencils, and Mike revealed a secret stash of delicious snacks.
They played and laughed, munching on the snacks, until there were only a few left in the bag.
Suddenly, Mrs. Thompson called out, 'Kids, time for a snack!' Mike quickly hid the remaining snacks under a loose floorboard.
The kids climbed down, yet Maxie glanced back, noticing the bag's corner peeking out from the floorboard.
At the table, Mrs. Thompson served apple slices and asked, 'Did you enjoy the cookies I left in the treehouse?'
Mike's eyes darted around, but he said nothing. Lily shrugged, 'They were yummy, thank you!' Maxie felt a strange twist in her tummy.
Later, back in the treehouse, Lily wanted more cookies. 'Where are they?' she asked. Mike looked uncomfortable.
Maxie thought about the hidden snacks. 'We should tell the truth,' she wanted to say, but hesitated, unsure of Mike's reaction.
Mike spoke up, 'I wanted to keep some for later, but I guess we should have asked first.'
Lily smiled, 'Thanks for telling us, Mike. Next time, let's all decide together.' They nodded, agreeing to share from now on.
They fetched the last cookies, sharing them equally. The snacks seemed to taste better with the sweet flavor of trust among friends.
Reflection Questions