In a magical forest, there lived a cheerful woodcutter named Tim. Tim loved to chop wood and sing songs to the trees, 'Chop, chop, choppity chop, wood to make a fun tabletop!'
Tim always told the truth, no matter what. Everyone in the forest knew Tim was the most honest person around. The trees whispered, 'Tim's true, Tim's bright, Tim makes everything alright!'
One sunny day, Tim was chopping near the sparkling river, 'Splish, splash, splitting logs, sending all the frogs!' Suddenly, his shiny new axe slipped from his hands and plopped into the river!
Tim was sad. The river bubbled and gurgled, 'Glub, glub, no axe, glub, glub, oh no!' Just then, a shimmering fairy popped out of the water, radiating light like a tiny sun.
'Hello, Tim!' said the fairy with a twinkle in her eye. 'Did you lose your axe?' She held out a gleaming golden axe. 'Is this your axe?'
But Tim shook his head, 'No, that’s not my axe. Mine is just plain and wooden.' The fairy smiled and vanished with a poof, only to reappear with a silver axe. 'Is this it?'
Again, Tim shook his head, 'No, that’s not mine either. My axe is simple and wooden.' The fairy's wings fluttered with glee, and she dived back into the river.
Finally, she re-emerged holding Tim’s plain wooden axe. 'Yes! That’s my trusty axe!' Tim exclaimed, hopping with joy. 'Thank you so much!'
The fairy clapped her hands and said, 'Tim, because you are so honest, I will gift you all three axes! Use them wisely.' Tim couldn't believe his eyes!
'Hooray!' cheered Tim. From that day on, Tim continued chopping wood and singing his favorite song, 'Chop, chop, choppity chop, now I have axes that never stop!'
And so, the forest continued to thrive, always knowing that Tim’s honesty kept their hearts alive. The end.
Reflection Questions