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The Jumpy Rabbit and the Soothing Friends
El conejo saltarín y los amigos tranquilizadores
Jumpy Rabbit was in the middle of the meadow when suddenly had many toughts at the same time. He was always so restless. Jumpy Rabbit estaba en el medio de la pradera cuando de repente tuvo muchos pensamientos a la misma vez. Él siempre era muy inquieto.
Introduces A brown rabbit with white paws and bright, anxious eyes in a meadow, feeling nervous.
He hopped to Lily Frog. 'Why are you so calm?' he asked, twitching his nose. Saltó hacia Lily Frog. '¿Por qué estás tan tranquila?' preguntó, moviendo la nariz.
Jumpy visits calm A green frog with a soothing smile and deep, calm eyes, inquires about her serenity.
Lily shared a secret, 'I take deep breaths. It helps me relax.' Jumpy listened eagerly. Lily compartió un secreto: 'Respiro profundamente. Me ayuda a relajarme.' Jumpy escuchó con atención.
Introduces a frog teaching to the brown rabbit how to breathe and stay calm in the nature
He tried to take a deep breath, but sneezed instead! 'Achoo!' It was harder than he thought. ¡Intentó respirar profundamente, pero en lugar de eso estornudó! '¡Achu!' Fue más difícil de lo que pensaba.
Introduces A brown rabbit  sad with white paws trying to relaz in the nature in a sunny day in spring
'Let's visit Yellow Bird. She sings to calm down,' suggested Lily, hopping along. 'Visitemos a Yellow Bird. Canta para calmarse -sugirió Lily, saltando.
Tweetie yellow bird in the meadow on a tree in spring
Yellow Bird sang a gentle tune. Jumpy felt his muscles begin to loosen. Yellow Bird cantó una suave melodía. Jumpy sintió que sus músculos empezaban a aflojarse.
Tweetie yellow bird singing on a tree and brown rabbit listening in a meadow in spring
Jumpy tried to sing, but it sounded like a tiny bell. 'Keep practicing,' Yellow encouraged. Jumpy intentó cantar, pero sonó como una campanita. "Sigue practicando", animó Yellow.
Introduces A brown rabbit with white paws and bright, trying to sing in a meadow, feeling nervous.
'Bobby Bear meditates. Let's ask him for help,' said Yellow, leading the way. 'Bobby Bear medita. Pidámosle ayuda”, dijo Yellow, abriendo el camino.
a brown and calm  bear in the meadow
Bobby sat quietly, his eyes closed. 'Imagine a peaceful place,' he whispered to Jumpy. Bobby se quedó sentado en silencio, con los ojos cerrados. "Imagínate un lugar tranquilo", le susurró a Jumpy.
Introduces A brown bear closing its eyes talking to a brown rabbit in a meadow
Jumpy closed his eyes. He pictured a field of flowers. His heart stopped racing. Jumpy cerró los ojos. Se imaginó un campo de flores. Su corazón dejó de acelerarse.
Introduces A brown rabbit with white paws closing its eyes meditating in the meadow
'You did it, Jumpy!' cheered his friends. Jumpy opened his eyes, feeling proud and calm. '¡Lo lograste, Jumpy!' animaron a sus amigos. Jumpy abrió los ojos, sintiéndose orgulloso y tranquilo.
 brown rabbit feeling so happy with brown bear with yellow bird smiling meadow
Now, whenever Jumpy felt the jitters, he used his friends' tricks to find peace. Ahora, cada vez que Jumpy sentía nerviosismo, utilizaba los trucos de sus amigos para encontrar la paz.
Introduces A brown and so happy rabbit with white paws in a meadow

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Jumpy Rabbit felt when his attempts at calm didn’t work at first?
  • Can you think of a time when a friend helped you feel better? How did they do it?
  • What can you do to help yourself feel calm when you’re feeling nervous like Jumpy?

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