Once upon a time in a peaceful jungle, there lived a mighty lion and a clever goat.
Every day, the lion would roar and the goat would listen. The lion loved the goat's attentive ears.
One day, the lion stumbled upon a hunter's trap and got caught. He roared for help, and the goat heard him.
The goat rushed to the lion's rescue, using his sharp horns to break the trap. The lion was free!
The grateful lion realized that the goat's listening had saved his life. He promised to always listen to the goat.
From that day on, the lion and the goat became best friends. They would roam the jungle together, sharing stories.
The lion learned that good listening is not only important for friendship, but it can also save lives.
And the goat learned that even the mightiest creatures can learn and appreciate the power of listening.
They lived happily ever after, knowing that through good listening, they could overcome any challenges.
Reflection Questions