In the heart of the lush forest, the old lion king sat with a heavy sigh. It was time to pass the throne, but he had no male heir. His wife, the lioness, watched him with concern.
The news had spread like wildfire. At the forest meeting, tension hung in the air as the animals gathered. The tiger's piercing eyes revealed his intentions. The lion cub clung to her mother, frightened.
The tiger's voice boomed, rallying support to claim the throne. The unrest grew as some animals voiced agreement, casting wary glances at the lioness and her cub. The young lioness trembled but held her ground.
Amidst the chaos, the lioness's words reached her daughter's ears like a soothing melody. 'You have the heart of a leader, my dear.' The cub gazed up, emboldened by her mother's assurance.
Reflection Questions