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The Lion's Roar

Once upon a time in a lush jungle, a mighty lion named Leo lived with his animal friends.

A sunny jungle with colorful animals and a fierce lion

Leo loved to roam around, his golden mane shining in the sunlight. All the animals admired him.

Leo walking proudly, animals looking at him with awe

One day, Leo woke up feeling a little sad. He couldn't understand why he was feeling down.

Leo curled up in sadness, puzzled animals nearby

The wise old owl noticed Leo's sadness and flew down to talk to him. 'Leo, what's troubling you?' asked the owl.

Owl perched on a branch, Leo sitting with a worried expression

Leo spoke softly, 'I want to be more than just a strong lion. I want to be loved for who I am on the inside.'

Leo talking with a determined look, owl listening attentively

The owl smiled and said, 'Leo, your roar is not just powerful, but it comes from your kind heart. That's what makes you special.'

Owl and Leo looking at each other, both smiling

Reflection Questions

  • How did Leo feel when he woke up?
  • What did the wise owl say to Leo?
  • What makes Leo special?

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