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The Little Ant's Big World

In a tiny hole lived a little ant named Annie.

Introduction of Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile the ant in her home.

Annie loved to explore the huge garden.

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile in the large garden, displaying her curiosity.

Flowers towered above her like skyscrapers.

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile among the flowers, showing scale.

One day, Annie decided to find new flowers.

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile ready for adventure, looking determined.

She marched through tall grass and over pebbles.

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile on her journey through the garden terrain.

Annie found a beautiful red rose.

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile discovering a stunning rose.

Its petals were soft and smelled sweet.

Close-up of Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile on rose petal, exploring textures.

Suddenly, rain started pouring down!

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile caught in the rain, looking surprised.

Annie hid under a leaf and waited.

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile sheltering under a leaf from rain.

Soon, the sun came out again.

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile emerging from under the leaf, sun shining.

Annie made her way back home happily.

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile returning to her hole, content with her day.

She couldn't wait to tell her friends about the rose.

Small ant, black exoskeleton, curious eyes, friendly smile sharing her story with other ants.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Annie felt when she saw the big garden?
  • What might Annie have thought while waiting under the leaf?
  • Why was Annie happy to share her story with her friends?

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