Once upon a time, a happy 7-year-old boy named Owen lived by a big, green jungle. He had a cute little dog called Buster.
Owen and Buster were best buddies. They played fetch every day. Buster’s barks echoed through the trees.
One sunny day, while playing by the jungle, Buster chased a butterfly and ran too far. Soon, he was out of sight!
Owen called out, 'Buster! Buster!' But his little friend didn't come back. Owen felt scared but knew he had to find Buster.
With a deep breath, Owen stepped into the thick jungle. Tall trees loomed overhead, and the sounds of the jungle filled the air.
Owen walked over mossy rocks and under ferns. He listened carefully for Buster’s bark among the rustling leaves.
After a while, Owen found a muddy paw print. 'This must be Buster’s!' he exclaimed, hope rising in his chest.
Following the paw prints, Owen had to cross a narrow stream by hopping on stones. He slipped but caught himself.
More paw prints led Owen to a cave. It was dark inside, and Owen felt chills. 'Should he go in?' he wondered.
Gathering his courage, Owen called softly, 'Buster, are you there?' From deep within the cave, he heard a faint whimper.
Owen crept into the cave. His eyes adjusted, and there in the corner, he saw Buster with his paw stuck under a rock.
Carefully, Owen moved the rock and freed Buster’s paw. Buster licked Owen’s face and wagged his tail quickly.
With Buster safely in his arms, Owen made his way out of the jungle. They were both happy to be back in the bright sunshine.
Reflection Questions