Once upon a whimsical time, in a land of fair sunshine, there lived a lady so lovely and kind, you’d never ever believe, what fun she'd find!
This lady so fair, with golden hair, would wander and dream, without a care. She’d skip and hop, and sometimes bop, till the day would finally stop.
One sunny day, she met a prince, so bright! With laughter and joy, both quite a sight. The Prince declared, "Oh what a pair! Let's go solve puzzles everywhere!"
They found a chest, locked so tight. "Oh dear! Oh my! What a plight!" With brains combined, they took a chance, to solve the puzzle with their knowledge dance.
"Step one," said he, "we’ll turn the key." "Step two," said she, "let's twist it free!" They giggled and wiggled, with a twist and a click, the chest popped open, oh so quick!
Inside they found a book so bright, with pages glowing in the light! "Let’s read it now," the lady said. The prince agreed and bobbed his head.
The book's first code was circled in red, "To the forest’s edge you’ll go ahead." They followed the path, step one, step two, following clues, till they knew what to do.
In the forest, they met a frog, croaking a tune upon a log. "Ribbit! Ribbit! Crack the next code! Answer right and I’ll show the road!"
"First, find the star that twinkles on high, then dance with joy beneath the sky." The lady and prince looked way up high, and then they danced, oh my, oh my!
The frog croaked loud and leaped ahead, "You did it right!" he gleefully said. "Now step ahead to the mushroom glade, where fairy dust is gently laid."
They found the fairy dust so sparkly and bright, "More clues!" the prince cried in sheer delight. "Step, slide, then glide," said loud the code, "And watch as magic lights the road."
Step by step with joyful glee, they reached their goal, you can surely see. For the lovely lady and clever prince, in a land of whimsy, they made a difference.