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The Magic Words in Enchantedwood

Once upon a time, in a small cozy house by the edge of the woods, lived two children named Alex and Mia. They loved playing in the forest, but they never remembered to say 'Please' or 'Thank You'. One bright morning, they stumbled upon a path they hadn't seen before, and decided to explore.

Introduction of Short hair, blue eyes, always wearing a red cap and Long wavy hair, green eyes, loves to wear yellow dresses, starting their adventure in the forest.

The path was lined with glittering flowers and singing birds, and it led them to a gate made of twisted vines. It had a sign that read 'Welcome to Enchantedwood, where magic words open doors'. The gate wouldn't open, so Alex shouted, 'Let us in!' But nothing happened.

Short hair, blue eyes, always wearing a red cap and Long wavy hair, green eyes, loves to wear yellow dresses reach a magical gate that doesn't open for them.

Suddenly, a tiny rabbit with wings hopped towards them. 'What's the magic word?' it asked. Mia thought for a moment and then said softly, 'Please?' The gate swung open! The winged rabbit winked and said, 'Remember, good manners are the key in Enchantedwood.'

A winged rabbit teaches them to say 'Please' to enter the forest.

Behind the gate was a magnificent tree that grew candies. Alex and Mia ran to grab some, when the tree spoke, 'Only those who show gratitude may taste my sweets.' Puzzled, Mia said, 'Can we have some candy… please?' The tree smiled, but shook its head.

The candy tree asks for gratitude before giving treats.

Then, Alex remembered the rabbit's words and said with a bright smile, 'May we have some of your delicious candy, Thank You!' To their delight, the tree dropped some candies. 'Thank you is as sweet as my treats,' said the tree, giggling.

Short hair, blue eyes, always wearing a red cap says 'Thank You' to the candy tree and gets candies.

As they went deeper into the forest, they met more creatures - a grumpy troll who only let them cross his bridge after they said 'please', and a choir of frogs who sang a beautiful song when they were thanked. Every time they remembered to use the magic words, their adventure got even better!

Magic words help them with a troll and singing frogs.

Alex and Mia had lots of fun and made many new friends in Enchantedwood. When it was time to go home, the gate again stood in their way. This time without thinking, they both said, 'Could you please open for us? Thank you!' and the gate opened wide with joy.

They use 'Please' and 'Thank You' instinctively to exit the forest.

Back home, they couldn't stop talking about their magical day. They thanked each other for the fun time and even said 'please' when asking for the last slice of pie. And from that day on, Alex and Mia never forgot the power of 'Please' and 'Thank You', in both enchanted forests and real life.

Conclusion where Short hair, blue eyes, always wearing a red cap and Long wavy hair, green eyes, loves to wear yellow dresses learn to use polite words all the time.

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