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The Magical Fairy's Story

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a magical fairy named जादुई परी. She had colorful wings that sparkled in the sunlight.

Magical fairy with colorful sparkling wings with sparkling colorful wings

जादुई परी loved to explore the enchanted forest, where trees whispered secrets and flowers sang. She had a mischievous companion, a talking squirrel named Chatter, who wore a tiny hat.

Magical fairy with colorful sparkling wings and Talkative squirrel with a tiny hat, the talking squirrel with a tiny hat

One sunny day, as जादुई परी flew through the forest, she discovered a magical potion hidden inside a tree trunk. 'Oh, how curious!' she exclaimed. 'I wonder what it does?'

Magical fairy with colorful sparkling wings finding a hidden magical potion

Excited to find out, जादुई परी took a tiny sip of the potion. Suddenly, she shrunk to the size of a butterfly! 'Oh no!' she cried. 'How will I fly with these tiny wings?'

Magical fairy with colorful sparkling wings shrinking in size with tiny butterfly size wings

With the help of Chatter, जादुई परी searched for an antidote. They traveled to the wise owl, who shared a recipe: 'Brew stardust, moonbeams, and laughter in a silver cauldron, mix with a sprinkle of confidence.'

Magical fairy with colorful sparkling wings and Talkative squirrel with a tiny hat seeking help from the wise owl

जादुई परी brewed the magical concoction and took a tiny sip. In a flash, she grew back to her normal size, with wings as vibrant as ever. 'Hurray!' she cheered. 'I am me again!'

Magical fairy with colorful sparkling wings growing back to her normal size with vibrant wings

Reflection Questions

  • How would you describe जादुई परी and her wings?
  • Who helped जादुई परी find an antidote?
  • What happened when जादुई परी drank the magical potion?

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