Once upon a time in a bright and cheery classroom, there were three merry students named Harry, Carrie, and Larry. They had a marvelous plan with their wise and wonderful teacher, Mrs. Berry!
Mrs. Berry said with a twinkle in her eye, 'Today’s adventure will be a delight. We'll journey to Kui Buri Elephant Park, where elephants trumpet in the moonlight!'
The children shouted, 'Hooray! Hooray! Let's gather our gear and be on our way!'
In the bus, they sang as they travelled afar, picturing elephants big as a car!
'Thump, thump, thump!' went the ground as they arrived, surrounded by trees, the forest alive.
Mrs. Berry led the way with a gleeful cheer and said, 'Let's explore the wonders here!'
They saw a baby elephant named Jumbo dancing around, shaking the trees and bumping the ground.
'Oh, look!' said Carrie with eyes open wide, 'It's like he's dancing with the jungle tide!'
Harry and Larry took notes with great care while Mrs. Berry taught them facts to share.
They recorded clips and took many pictures, capturing moments and nature's fixtures.
At last, they rode back with a treasure of sights, ready to share their day’s delights.
In class, they made a fantastic video story, showing elephants in their wild glory.
'We learned so much and had such a fun day!' cheered Harry, Carrie, and Larry.
Mrs. Berry smiled and gave a happy hug, 'With you wonderful kids, learning is never a bug!'
Reflection Questions