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The Mystery of the Midnight Song

Once upon a time, in a small town in Brazil, there was a 9-year-old girl named Isabela. She had sparkling brown eyes and loved adventures. One night, as she was getting ready to go to bed, she heard a beautiful song coming from outside her window.

Introducing Brazilian girl, 9 years old, brown eyes, adventurous, loves mysteries and the mysterious song, Brazilian girl, 9 years old, brown eyes, adventurous, loves mysteries's bedroom at night

Isabela was curious and a little bit scared, but she decided to find out where the song was coming from. She put on her favorite sneakers and tiptoed out of her house, following the sound of the music.

Brazilian girl, 9 years old, brown eyes, adventurous, loves mysteries decides to investigate, leaving her house quietly

The music led her to the town park, where she saw a shadow dancing in the moonlight. It moved gracefully and seemed almost magical. Isabela hid behind a tree and watched, her heart beating fast.

Brazilian girl, 9 years old, brown eyes, adventurous, loves mysteries discovers a dancing shadow in the park, hiding and observing

Suddenly, the music stopped, and the shadow disappeared! Isabela ran to the spot where the shadow had been and found a colorful feather on the ground. 'This must be a clue!' she thought excitedly.

The music stops, the shadow vanishes, Brazilian girl, 9 years old, brown eyes, adventurous, loves mysteries finds a feather

Picking up the feather, Isabela noticed that it was from a parrot. She remembered there was a pet shop in town that had a parrot. Maybe the parrot knew something about the mysterious music!

Brazilian girl, 9 years old, brown eyes, adventurous, loves mysteries realizes the feather belongs to a parrot, thinks of the pet shop

The next day, Isabela went to the pet shop and talked to the parrot. To her surprise, the parrot sang the same song she heard last night! The shop owner told her it was the parrot's bedtime song.

Brazilian girl, 9 years old, brown eyes, adventurous, loves mysteries visits the pet shop, finds the parrot, learns about the song

Isabela smiled, feeling happy to solve the mystery. It wasn't a magical creature but the pet shop's parrot practicing its bedtime song! She promised to visit the parrot every day to hear more of its lovely music.

Brazilian girl, 9 years old, brown eyes, adventurous, loves mysteries solves the mystery, befriends the parrot, ending happily

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