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The Mystery of the Once-a-Year Island

Once upon a time, in a quaint seaside village, Ellie and her best friend Jake heard about the legendary Once-a-Year Island that appeared mysteriously every spring. They decided to embark on an adventurous journey to find it.

Village by the sea, Curly brown hair, bright green eyes, adventurous spirit, and Sandy blond hair, crystal blue eyes, kind-hearted and curious setting off on an adventurous journey

Equipped with a map and supplies, they boarded a rickety old boat, brimming with excitement. As the sun rose, their boat sliced through the tranquil waters, bringing them closer to the fabled island.

Curly brown hair, bright green eyes, adventurous spirit and Sandy blond hair, crystal blue eyes, kind-hearted and curious on the boat, heading towards the fabled island

The island eventually materialized, cloaked in a magical mist, and they stepped onto its sandy shore. Curious creatures and enchanting flowers surrounded them as they ventured deeper into the lush, vibrant island.

Curly brown hair, bright green eyes, adventurous spirit and Sandy blond hair, crystal blue eyes, kind-hearted and curious exploring the magical Once-a-Year Island

As evening descended, they stumbled upon an ancient tree adorned with shimmering jewels. Mesmerized, they discovered the tree's secret - it held the power to grant one wish on the eve of the island's vanishing.

Curly brown hair, bright green eyes, adventurous spirit and Sandy blond hair, crystal blue eyes, kind-hearted and curious discovering the ancient tree with jewels

Nightfall approached, and they had to make a decision. Ellie selflessly encouraged Jake to make the wish, knowing how much he longed to travel the world. Jake's wish brought tears to Ellie's eyes as the island slowly faded away, promising to return next spring.

Curly brown hair, bright green eyes, adventurous spirit and Sandy blond hair, crystal blue eyes, kind-hearted and curious making a heartfelt decision as the island disappears

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Ellie and Jake felt when they first saw the Once-a-Year Island?
  • Why do you think Ellie encouraged Jake to make the wish instead of making one herself?
  • If the Once-a-Year Island existed, what would you wish for if you had the chance?

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