Happy: feeling delighted. Can you make a sentence about something that makes you happy?
Special: being unusual or unique. What is something special about you?
Inquires: asks for information. Have you ever had to inquire about something? What was it?
Adventure: an unusual and exciting experience. What adventure would you like to go on?
Quick: moving fast or doing something in a short time. Can you tell a story about when you had to be quick?
Courage: the ability to do something that frightens one. Describe a time you showed courage.
Bravery: courageous behavior or character. How can you show bravery like Piggy's great-grandpa?
Proud: feeling deep pleasure from one's own achievements. What achievement are you proud of?
Heroism: great bravery. Share a story or example of heroism you know about.
Honor: high respect; esteem. What is something honorable that you have done?
Unique: being the only one of its kind. Why is it good to be unique?
Symbol: something that stands for or suggests something else. Can you think of a symbol that is important to you?