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The New Friend in Class

On a sunny Monday morning, Anna walked into her classroom, feeling the flutter of butterflies in her belly. She was always excited to learn, but today was special because they were getting a new student.

A cheerful girl, curly brown hair, blue eyes enters classroom on a Monday, excited for the new student.

The room buzzed with whispers as the kids guessed what the new kid would be like. Some hoped for a new best friend; others wondered if he would like the same games as they did.

Classmates speculate about the new student, hoping and wondering.

Mrs. Parker, their teacher, had a warm smile when she walked in with a boy by her side. 'Class, this is Max. He's joining our fourth-grade family today,' she announced.

Kind teacher, glasses, long straight hair, brown eyes introduces New student, short blonde hair, green eyes, holds toy dinosaur to the class, evoking curiosity.

Max looked around with big green eyes, taking in the colorful posters and the sea of curious faces. He gave a shy wave and muttered a 'Hello.'

New student, short blonde hair, green eyes, holds toy dinosaur introduces himself shyly to the class, feeling nervous.

Anna noticed that Max clutched a small dinosaur toy in his hand. It reminded her of her own favorite toy at home. She felt a spark of connection.

A cheerful girl, curly brown hair, blue eyes empathizes with New student, short blonde hair, green eyes, holds toy dinosaur, seeing his dinosaur toy.

During recess, Anna saw Max sitting alone under the big oak tree, gently twirling his dinosaur. She took a deep breath and walked over to him.

A cheerful girl, curly brown hair, blue eyes approaches New student, short blonde hair, green eyes, holds toy dinosaur at recess, looking to make a new friend.

'I like your dinosaur,' Anna said, sitting beside him. Max's eyes lit up. 'He's a Stegosaurus. Do you like dinosaurs too?' he asked.

A cheerful girl, curly brown hair, blue eyes and New student, short blonde hair, green eyes, holds toy dinosaur bond over a love for dinosaurs.

Anna nodded eagerly. 'Of course! My favorite is the Triceratops.' They spent the rest of recess chatting excitedly about their prehistoric passions.

A cheerful girl, curly brown hair, blue eyes and New student, short blonde hair, green eyes, holds toy dinosaur exchange favorite dinosaur stories, becoming friends.

When they went back to class, Mrs. Parker had them work on math problems. Max seemed worried, but Anna whispered, 'Hey, we can figure this out together.'

A cheerful girl, curly brown hair, blue eyes offers to help New student, short blonde hair, green eyes, holds toy dinosaur with math, sharing teamwork and comfort.

By the end of the day, Anna and Max had not only solved the math problems, but they had also drawn a whole dinosaur landscape on the back of their worksheet.

Teamwork in class leads to a creative dinosaur landscape drawing.

As they packed up to go home, Max turned to Anna with a smile. 'Thanks for being my friend, Anna. Today was fun because of you,' Max said gratefully.

New student, short blonde hair, green eyes, holds toy dinosaur thanks A cheerful girl, curly brown hair, blue eyes for her friendship, ending the day on a high note.

Anna beamed, feeling her heart swell with joy. She had helped Max feel welcome, and she had made a new friend. 'See you tomorrow,' she said, waving goodbye.

A cheerful girl, curly brown hair, blue eyes happy to have helped New student, short blonde hair, green eyes, holds toy dinosaur; they say goodbye until tomorrow.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Max felt when he first entered the classroom and why?
  • What made Anna decide to approach Max, and how can we be welcoming to new people?
  • Why is it important to show kindness and support to our classmates and friends?

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