Once in a magical forest, where leaves danced to the wind's tune, lived Gary, a curious crow.
Gary gazed at the peacock, Viola, with her feathers so grand and bright, like a rainbow in flight.
“Just one pretty feather,” thought Gary with a gleam, “might make me feel like I'm in a dream!”
Flitter-flutter, a feather fell from Viola’s plume. Gary swooped down with a big feathery zoom!
With each feather he found, he danced and he pranced, hoping his plumage would enhance.
Soon, Gary's feathers were dressed in hues, making his heart hum and his spirit amuse.
He wobbled to Viola with feathers galore, hoping to make the peacock’s heart soar.
Viola chuckled, “Dear Gary, be true, for your black feathers suit you too!”
Gary looked at himself, mixed with confusion and a bit of delusion.
Realizing all colors are special, whether dull or bright, Gary’s true beauty shone in the moonlight.
With a grateful heart, he soared high and free, crowing his joy for all to see.
From that day on, Gary knew in his soul: it’s what’s inside that makes us whole!
Reflection Questions