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The Playground of Emotions
El patio de recreo de las emociones
Sally skipped to the playground, her green eyes sparkling with excitement. The sun was shining, and she couldn't wait to play. Sally saltó al parque infantil, sus ojos verdes brillaban de emoción. El sol brillaba y ella estaba deseando jugar.
Sally arrives at the playground, excited to play, sunny day.
On a swing, there was a happy girl, laughing as she flew back and forth. Sally ran over and asked, 'Why are you so happy?' En un columpio, había una niña feliz, riendo mientras se balanceaba hacia adelante y hacia atrás. Sally corrió y le preguntó: '¿Por qué estás tan feliz?'
Sally approaches a happy girl on a swing and inquires about her joy.
The girl smiled. 'I found a ladybug on my shoe! They're good luck!' Sally smiled wide. 'That's wonderful! Congratulations!' La niña sonrió. '¡Encontré una mariquita en mi zapato! ¡Dan buena suerte!' Sally sonrió. '¡Eso es maravilloso! ¡Felicidades!'
Happy girl shares her delight about a ladybug, Sally congratulates her.
By the slide, a girl sat with tears in her eyes. Concerned, Sally padded over. 'Why are you sad?' she gently asked. Junto al tobogán, había una niña sentada con lágrimas en los ojos. Preocupada, Sally se acercó. '¿Por que estas triste?' preguntó con dulzura.
Sally sees a sad boy by the slide and speaks to him.
'I lost my favorite marble,' the girl sniffled. Sally thought for a moment. 'Let's look for it together!' And they did. "He perdido mi canica favorita", sollozó la niña. Sally pensó por un momento. '¡Busquémosla juntas!' Y lo hicieron.
Sally arrives at the playground, excited to play, sunny day.
After searching, they found the marble near the sandbox. 'Here it is!' Sally cheered. The girl's frown turned into a smile. Después de buscar, encontraron la canica cerca del arenero. '¡Aquí la tienes!' Sally aplaudió. El enfado de la niña se convirtió en una sonrisa.
Sally and the boy find the lost marble, turning his sadness into joy.
Then Sally noticed a child stomping around, his face red with anger. 'How angry you are!' she told him. The boy stopped to look at her. Entonces Sally vio a un niño pataleando, con el rostro rojo de ira. '¡Qué enojado estás!' le dijo. El niño se detuvo para mirarla.
Sally confronts an angry child, acknowledging his emotions.
'I can't solve this riddle,' the boy grumbled, showing Sally a piece of paper. 'If you share it with me, maybe we can solve it together,' said Sally. "No puedo resolver este acertijo", refunfuñó el niño, mostrándole a Sally un trozo de papel. "Si lo compartes conmigo, tal vez podamos resolverlo juntos", dijo Sally.
Angry boy is frustrated with a riddle, Sally offers to help.
The riddle read: 'I'm not alive, but I can grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?' El acertijo decía: 'No estoy vivo, pero puedo crecer; No tengo pulmones, pero necesito aire; No tengo boca, pero el agua me mata. ¿Qué soy yo?'
The boy shows Sally the riddle that's making him angry.
They thought hard. 'Plants need air and grow... but water helps them, not kills! What else can it be?' Sally whispered. Pensaron mucho. 'Las plantas necesitan aire y crecen... ¡pero el agua las ayuda, no las mata! ¿Qué puede ser?' -susurró Sally-.
Sally arrives at the playground, excited to play, sunny day.
'Wait, fire! It matches the riddle!' exclaimed Sally. The boy's eyes lit up. 'You're right!' His anger had vanished. '¡Espera, fuego! ¡Coincide con el acertijo!' -exclamó Sally-. Los ojos del chico se iluminaron. '¡Tienes razón!' Su ira había desaparecido.
Sally arrives at the playground, excited to play, sunny day.
The playground was full of laughter now. Sally felt warm inside, knowing she helped her friends by understanding their feelings. El parque infantil ahora estaba lleno de risas. Sally se sintió cálida por dentro, sabiendo que ayudaba a sus amigos al comprender sus sentimientos.
Playground atmosphere shifts to happiness, Sally reflects on helping.
As the sun began to set, Sally waved goodbye to her new friends. 'I'll see you tomorrow for more fun!' she called out. Cuando el sol empezó a ponerse, Sally se despidió de sus nuevos amigos. '¡Os veré mañana para más diversión!' gritó.
Sally leaves the playground, promising more fun and riddles tomorrow.

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