Once upon a time, in a field full of flowers, lived a magical band of colors with superpowers. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet were their names, and they loved to play colorful games.
Dance like a rainbow and wiggle your fingers like colorful ribbons in the sky.
One day, the sky was sad and gray, so the rainbow band decided to brighten the way. They danced through the clouds and sang a happy song, and soon enough, the sun came along.
Twirl in a circle and sing a happy song to make the sun come out.
The sun's rays peeked through the rain, and the sky began to fill with colors again. The rainbow band's vibrant hues filled the air, painting the sky with colors so rare.
Pretend to paint the sky with colorful brushes and make magical rainbows appear.
Children on the ground looked up so high, and marveled at the rainbow in the sky. They laughed and danced, filled with delight, as the rainbow band glowed so colorful and bright.
Jump and dance like the rainbow band and smile at the colorful sky.
Now whenever the rain clouds begin to weep, the rainbow band comes out to play and leap. They spread their joy and colors so wide, turning frowns into smiles and filling hearts with pride.
Spread your arms wide and make a big smile to show everyone your colorful pride.
So always remember, when the rain has gone, look for the rainbow band and join in their fun. They bring color and joy to the world so wide, turning every frown into a colorful pride.
Give someone a big colorful hug and share your joy and pride.
And as the night falls and the stars appear, the rainbow band bids farewell, but never fear. For in the morning after a rainy day, they'll be back in the sky, ready to play.
Wave to the sky and say goodnight to the rainbow band, promising to play again another day.