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The Rainforest Adventure

In a colorful rainforest, Max the monkey swung from tree to tree.

Monkey swinging on trees in a vibrant rainforest

One day, Max found a lost parrot named Polly.

Monkey finding a colorful parrot in the rainforest

Polly was scared and didn't know how to get back home.

Scared parrot looking lost in the rainforest

Max and Polly became friends and decided to find Polly's family.

Monkey and parrot shaking hands, ready for an adventure

They met Lila the jaguar, who had a sharp and sleek coat.

Jaguar with beautiful patterned fur in the rainforest

Lila joined their journey, using her strong senses to search.

Jaguar with monkey and parrot, searching in the rainforest

After a long adventure, they found Polly's family high in the trees.

Monkey, parrot, and jaguar celebrating in the rainforest

Max, Polly, and Lila were forever friends in the rainforest.

Monkey, parrot, and jaguar hugging and smiling happily

Reflection Questions

  • How did Max and Polly become friends?
  • Who joined Max and Polly on their journey?
  • Where did Max, Polly, and Lila find Polly's family?

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