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The Reward of Goodness

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a poor girl named Noor.

Introduction to the setting and main character, A kind, poor girl with a warm smile Dark hair, brown eyes, a poor girl.

Noor was kind and selfless. She helped her neighbors, shared her food, and greeted everyone with a warm smile.

Description of A kind, poor girl with a warm smile Dark hair, brown eyes's kind and selfless nature, her helpfulness and warm demeanor.

One day, a magical bird visited the village. It revealed that Noor's goodness had brought a reward - a bag of gold!

Introduction of the magical bird and the reward for A kind, poor girl with a warm smile Dark hair, brown eyes's goodness.

Noor was overjoyed, but instead of keeping the gold for herself, she used it to help the entire village.

A kind, poor girl with a warm smile Dark hair, brown eyes's selfless decision to use the gold to help the entire village.

The villagers were amazed by Noor's generosity. They thanked her and celebrated her good heart.

The villagers' reaction to A kind, poor girl with a warm smile Dark hair, brown eyes's generosity and celebration of her good heart.

The magical bird was so touched by Noor's actions that it bestowed her with everlasting happiness and prosperity.

The magical bird's final reward for A kind, poor girl with a warm smile Dark hair, brown eyes's actions.

From that day on, Noor and the village flourished, living in harmony and kindness.

The conclusion of the story, highlighting the flourishing of A kind, poor girl with a warm smile Dark hair, brown eyes and the village due to kindness.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Noor's kindness change her life and the village?
  • Why do you think the magical bird rewarded Noor?
  • What can we learn from Noor's actions?

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