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The Secret of the Golden Apple Tree

In a village bustling with cheerful folks, three friends, Ben, Emma, and Sophie, were playing near the golden apple tree.

The village center, three friends meet by a unique tree.

The tree was special; the villagers believed it brought good luck, and the golden apples were shared during the harvest festival.

Importance of the golden apple tree to the village.

One sunny day, the friends saw a shiny object at the tree's base. It was a small, golden apple that had fallen off.

Friends find a fallen golden apple, sunny day.

Excited, Ben suggested, 'Let's take it! After all, it's just one apple.' But Emma felt uneasy about the idea.

Ben wants to take the apple, Emma feels unsure.

Sophie chimed in, 'No one will notice.' Encouraged, Ben took the apple and they hid it in their secret fort.

Sophie agrees, they hide the apple in the fort.

As weeks passed, the villagers noticed the missing apple. They were worried that their luck had vanished with it.

Villagers notice missing apple, think luck is gone.

However, Ben, Emma, and Sophie felt guiltier each day. The joy of their secret began to feel more like a burden.

The friends feel guilty over time.

One evening, around the fire, Emma confessed, 'We have done something wrong. We should return the apple.'

Emma confesses to friends, suggests returning the apple.

She continued, 'Keeping it has brought us nothing but worry. It's like the apple is only truly golden when it brings happiness to everyone.'

Emma shares her thoughts on happiness and honesty.

Ben nodded, feeling relief, 'You're right. We haven't been fair to the others.' Sophie agreed, and they planned to right their wrong.

Ben agrees with Emma, Sophie concurs, they plan confession.

The next morning, they returned the apple to the village square and wrote an anonymous apology note explaining their actions.

They return the apple and leave an apology note.

The villagers found the apple and the note, and were moved by the honesty of the unknown children. The festival was filled with extra joy that year.

Villagers rejoice finding the apple and note; festival joy.

Reflection Questions

  • Imagine you were with Ben, Emma, and Sophie when they found the golden apple. What would you have done in that situation and why?

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