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The Silly Adventures of Eddie the Elephant

Eddie the elephant loved to eat enormous ice cream cones.

Big, gray elephant with twinkling brown eyes standing in a field, happily slurping a gigantic ice cream cone

One day, Eddie went to the beach and bounced on a bouncy ball.

Big, gray elephant with twinkling brown eyes at the beach, merrily bouncing on a colorful bouncy ball

He met an energetic emu named Emily who enjoyed eating endless eggs.

Big, gray elephant with twinkling brown eyes and Tall, feathery emu with bright blue eyes sitting next to a nest of colorful eggs, exchanging giggles

Together, they played tag and tickled each other till they tumbled down.

Big, gray elephant with twinkling brown eyes and Tall, feathery emu with bright blue eyes rolling on the grass, laughing and having a fabulous time

As the sun set, they sang a silly song about swimming in syrupy soda.

Big, gray elephant with twinkling brown eyes and Tall, feathery emu with bright blue eyes standing on a hill, singing and swaying in the warm evening breeze

Tired but thrilled, Eddie and Emily waved goodbye and wiggled all the way home.

Big, gray elephant with twinkling brown eyes and Tall, feathery emu with bright blue eyes skipping home under the twinkling stars, wearing big grins on their faces

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Eddie felt when he met Emily?
  • Why do you think Eddie and Emily enjoyed each other's company?
  • What would you do if you met a new friend like Eddie or Emily?

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