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The Snowy Day

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Peter. It was a snowy day, and Peter couldn't wait to go outside and play in the snow. He put on his warm red snowsuit, his cozy hat, and his fuzzy mittens. Peter was ready for an adventure!

Peter is a little boy with brown hair and blue eyes getting dressed in his snowsuit, hat, and mittens

Peter stepped outside and saw that everything was covered in a thick blanket of snow. The trees, the houses, and even the street were all white. Peter felt so excited! He started making footprints in the snow, leaving a trail behind him.

Peter is a little boy with brown hair and blue eyes standing outside, seeing the snowy landscape

As Peter explored, he found a big hill covered in snow. He climbed to the top and looked down. Peter had an idea! He sat on his red sled and whooshed down the hill. It was so much fun! Peter laughed and shouted with joy as he slid down the hill over and over again.

Peter is a little boy with brown hair and blue eyes sliding down the snowy hill on his red sled

After playing for a while, Peter decided to build a snowman. He rolled three big snowballs and stacked them on top of each other. Then he found some sticks for arms, rocks for eyes, and a carrot for a nose. Peter's snowman looked so friendly and happy.

Peter is a little boy with brown hair and blue eyes building a snowman with sticks, rocks, and a carrot

As the sun started to set, Peter knew it was time to go home. He said goodbye to his snowman and walked back to his house. Inside, Peter's mom had hot chocolate waiting for him. Peter sipped the warm drink and felt so cozy and happy. He knew it had been the best snowy day ever!

Peter is a little boy with brown hair and blue eyes drinking hot chocolate with his mom inside their cozy house

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Peter felt when he saw the snow for the first time?
  • Why do you think Peter enjoyed sliding down the snowy hill?
  • What would you do if you had a snowy day like Peter?

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