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The Snowy Race

One winter day, the Snowy Forest was covered in white. Hare yawned and stretched.

Beginning scene in a snow-covered forest, Furry, long-eared Hare with brown fur and alert brown eyes waking up.

Hare peeked outside and saw Tortoise. 'Let's race!' he exclaimed, jumping excitedly.

Furry, long-eared Hare with brown fur and alert brown eyes proposes a race to Steady, green Tortoise with small, wise black eyes in the snow.

Tortoise looked at the thick snow but nodded. 'Slow and steady,' he thought.

Steady, green Tortoise with small, wise black eyes agrees to the race, thoughtful about his pace.

They lined up at the snowy start. Fox shouted, 'Go!' and they were off!

Race starts with Fox's signal, characters begin racing.

Hare bounded ahead, the snow flying beneath his paws with ease.

Furry, long-eared Hare with brown fur and alert brown eyes takes an early lead, confident in the snow.

After a while, Hare looked back. Tortoise was far behind, plodding along slowly.

Furry, long-eared Hare with brown fur and alert brown eyes checks his lead and sees Steady, green Tortoise with small, wise black eyes trailing.

Confident, Hare decided to rest. 'I'll win anyway,' he thought, and napped.

Overconfident Furry, long-eared Hare with brown fur and alert brown eyes takes a break, sure of his victory.

Tortoise passed the sleeping Hare, his steady steps never stopping in the snow.

Steady, green Tortoise with small, wise black eyes steadily overtakes the resting Furry, long-eared Hare with brown fur and alert brown eyes.

Hare woke up and panicked. He could no longer see Tortoise ahead!

Furry, long-eared Hare with brown fur and alert brown eyes wakes up to find Steady, green Tortoise with small, wise black eyes has passed him.

He ran as fast as he could, the cold snow stinging his eyes.

Furry, long-eared Hare with brown fur and alert brown eyes races to catch up, hindered by the snowy conditions.

Tortoise, nearing the finish, heard Hare's frantic steps but didn't rush.

Steady, green Tortoise with small, wise black eyes hears Furry, long-eared Hare with brown fur and alert brown eyes but remains calm as he approaches the end.

With the forest animals cheering, Tortoise crossed the finish line, winning the race!

Steady, green Tortoise with small, wise black eyes wins the race, animals cheer in the background.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Hare felt when he woke up and realized Tortoise was ahead?
  • What does the story teach us about underestimating others and being overconfident?
  • How can we learn from the Tortoise's attitude of 'slow and steady' in our own lives?

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