In a mystical forest, a white rabbit named Bajkowy wore blue overalls.
He loved gathering shiny pebbles and talking to the ancient knight, Rycerz.
Rycerz often listened to Bajkowy's adventures, protecting the queen and her kingdom.
One day, Bajkowy discovered a hidden cave and found a glowing crystal.
He rushed to tell Rycerz about the magical crystal, hoping it could help the queen.
Together, Bajkowy and Rycerz devised a plan to use the crystal's power wisely.
With courage and teamwork, they protected the queen's kingdom from a fierce storm.
The queen thanked them, and Bajkowy felt proud of helping his enchanted world.
Bajkowy whispered to Rycerz, 'We make a great team, defender of the queen.'
The magical rabbit and ancient knight continued protecting the enchanted kingdom.
Reflection Questions