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The Talking Drum

In a small village in Nigeria, there lived a young boy named Ade. One day, while exploring the forest, he discovered a magical drum. The drum could talk and gave him the power to communicate with animals. Excited, Ade took the drum home and promised to use it responsibly.

little boy wearing colorful traditional Nigerian clothing. finds a talking drum in the forest

Word quickly spread about Ade's special drum, and soon animals from all around came to seek his help. A lion wanted to apologize to the zebras for scaring them, and a bird needed aid in finding its lost nest. Ade listened to their pleas and used the drum to bridge the communication gap.

Assorted animals with vibrant colors and friendly expressions. seek little boy wearing colorful traditional Nigerian clothing.'s help through the talking drum

As time went on, Ade became overwhelmed with requests. Animals of different species started quarreling, each wanting Ade to solve their problems first. The more they fought, the louder the drum became. Ade realized that he had to set boundaries and prioritize his responsibilities.

Assorted animals with vibrant colors and friendly expressions. quarrel over little boy wearing colorful traditional Nigerian clothing.'s help, drum gets louder

Ade decided to organize a meeting with all the animals. He explained that he could only help them one at a time, but would do his best to address their concerns. The animals agreed and promised to wait patiently for their turn. From that day on, Ade used the drum with responsibility and restored peace in the forest.

little boy wearing colorful traditional Nigerian clothing. organizes a meeting and restores peace with responsibility

The news of Ade's wise decision spread far and wide. Animals from far-off lands came to seek his help, and Ade used the drum to solve their problems one by one. He became known as the responsible guardian of the animals, bringing harmony and unity to the forest.

little boy wearing colorful traditional Nigerian clothing. becomes known as the responsible guardian of animals

As Ade grew older, he passed down the magic drum to a new guardian, teaching them the value of responsibility. The drum continued to bring harmony to the forest for generations to come.

little boy wearing colorful traditional Nigerian clothing. passes down the talking drum with responsibility

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Ade promise to use the drum responsibly?
  • What happened when the animals started quarreling?
  • What did Ade do to restore peace in the forest?

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