Once upon a time, there were three billy goats named Gruff. They lived on a small hillside, but the grass was not very tasty. They wanted to go to the other side of the river where the grass was greener.
Why did the billy goats want to go to the other side of the river?
To get to the other side of the river, the billy goats had to cross a bridge. But under the bridge lived a big, scary troll. He loved to eat billy goats!
Who lived under the bridge?
The first billy goat named Gruff was the bravest. He walked up to the bridge and said, 'Mr. Troll, please let me cross the bridge. I am just a small goat and not very tasty.'
What did the first billy goat say to the troll?
The troll looked at the first billy goat and said, 'I will let you pass, but only if you promise to send me your bigger brother.' The first billy goat agreed and crossed the bridge safely.
What did the troll ask the first billy goat to do?
The second billy goat named Gruff was a little scared, but he was also clever. He walked up to the bridge and said, 'Mr. Troll, please let me cross the bridge. My bigger brother is coming soon, and he is much tastier than me.'
What did the second billy goat say to the troll?