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The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs.

Three little Three little pigs: pink, happy, and different houses. in their cozy home

The first little pig built a house from straw.

A little pig with a straw house and a smile

The second little pig built a house from sticks.

A little pig with a stick house and a hat

The third little pig built a house from bricks.

A little pig with a brick house and glasses

One day, a big bad wolf came to the straw house.

A big bad Big bad wolf: gray, fierce, and hungry. blowing down a straw house

The wolf huffed and puffed but couldn't blow the brick house.

A Big bad wolf: gray, fierce, and hungry. blowing and a strong brick house

The pigs were safe in the brick house and lived happily ever after.

Three happy Three little pigs: pink, happy, and different houses. in their strong brick house

Reflection Questions

  • Why did the first little pig's house get blown down?
  • What did the third little pig use to build a strong house?
  • How did the pigs feel when the wolf couldn't blow the brick house?

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