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The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs named Tom, Tim, and Tina. They lived in a cozy cottage in the lush green meadow.

Introduction to the story's setting and characters, including the three little pigs and their home

The three little pigs loved playing in the meadow, but their mom warned them about the big bad wolf who lived in the nearby woods. He was always looking for a chance to gobble them up!

Introduction to the big bad wolf and the conflict in the story

Tom built his house with straw, Tim used sticks, and Tina worked hard to build one with bricks. The lazy wolf huffed and puffed but could not blow Tina's sturdy brick house down!

The pigs' house-building adventure and the wolf's failed attempts to blow down Tina was the prettiest of them all, with a shiny pink coat, and sparkly brown eyes's brick house

The wolf tried to trick the pigs, but they outsmarted him every time. Together, they sang and danced, celebrating their victory over the sneaky wolf.

The pigs outsmarting the wolf and celebrating their win

From that day on, the three little pigs and the big bad wolf became friends. They played games and shared the bountiful treats their mom made for them. The wolf even promised to behave!

The surprising twist of the pigs and the wolf becoming friends and enjoying their time together

The end. Sleep tight and dream big, just like the three little pigs and the big bad wolf!

Closing words to signify the end of the story

Reflection Questions

  • Why did the pigs build houses with straw, sticks, and bricks?
  • How did the pigs outsmart the big bad wolf?
  • What happened after the pigs and the wolf became friends?

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