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The Three Little Pigs go to Space

Once upon a time, three little pigs decided to go to space

Three Three pigs with different colored space suits looking at a rocket in excitement

The first little pig built a rocket out of straw

A pig with a straw rocket looking worried

The second little pig built a rocket out of sticks

A pig with a stick rocket feeling unsure

The third little pig built a rocket out of bricks

A pig with a brick rocket feeling confident

The straw rocket broke, the stick rocket wobbled, but the brick rocket soared

Pigs with broken straw and wobbly stick rockets

The pigs landed on a peaceful planet made of candy

Pigs in a candy land with colorful sweets

They lived happily ever after, feasting on sweet treats

Pigs smiling and eating candy happily

The end

The words 'The end' in colorful space-themed letters

Reflection Questions

  • What did the pigs build their rockets with?
  • Which rocket was the strongest and flew the highest?
  • Where did the pigs land in space?

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