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The Tiny Tale of Sammy Sea Monkey

Deep in the blue ocean where the water is clear and warm, a tiny sea monkey named Sammy swam with excitement.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the ocean setting

Sammy was not a monkey at all, but a small shrimp that liked to play in the sea grass.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the ocean setting

Every day, Sammy and his friends would race to the top of the water to greet the morning sun.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the ocean settingriends would race to the top of the water to greet the morning sun.

But one day, Sammy riends would race to the top of the water to greet the morning sun.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the ocean settinriends would race to the top of the water to greet the morning sun.g

He searched near the rocks, around the corals, and even by the sandy bottom, but they were gone.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the ocean settingHe searched near the rocks, around the corals, and even by the sandy bottom, but they were gone.

Feeling lonely, Sammy decided to ask other sea creatures if they had seen any sea monkeys.

Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green engaging with other sea creatures, showcasing empathy

He met a kind fish named Finley who said, 'I saw them swimming toward the big reef!'

Introduction of Bright friendly fish, yellow with shiny scales the fish who helps Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green

Filled with hope, Sammy thanked Finley and hurried off towards the colorful reef.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the ocean settinFinley and hurried

He searched near the rocks, around the corals, and even by the sandy bottom, but they were gone.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the ocean He searched near the rocks, around the corals, and even by the sandy bottom, but they were gone.setting

'We're sorry, Sammy! We thought you were hiding too!' said his friends with a smile.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the ocean settingWe thought you were hiding too!' said his friends with a smile.

Sammy forgave them, happy to be reunited, and they played until the sun set.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the oceforgave them, happy to be reunited, and they played until the sun setting

That night, Sammy and his sea monkey friends promised to never lose each other again.

Introduction to Tiny sea monkey shrimp, translucent with specks of blue and green and the ocean settin friends making promises to friends show about  important to help others, like Finley helped.g

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Sammy felt when he couldn't find his friends?
  • Why is it important to help others, like Finley helped Sammy?
  • What does making promises to friends show about Sammy and his friends?

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