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The Treehouse Incident
Once upon a time in a cozy little neighborhood, there was a group of friends. They loved to play together near an old oak tree. They decided to build a treehouse. 從前,在一個舒適的小社區裡,有一群朋友。他們喜歡在一棵老橡樹旁一起玩耍。他們決定建造一座樹屋。
Introduction to characters and setting with treehouse project.
Sam was the leader. He had a vision of a big, strong treehouse. But building was tough. They tried hard, but their first attempt wobbled. 山姆是領導者。他設想建造一座又大又堅固的樹屋。但建造過程很艱難。他們很努力,但第一次嘗試卻搖搖欲墜。
Character introduction and initial attempt at building.
Lily suggested they ask for help. They found an old book about building treehouses and studied it. But Sam felt unsure about using the book. 莉莉建議他們尋求幫助。他們找到一本關於建造樹屋的舊書並進行了研究。但薩姆對使用這本書感到不確定。
Characters seek help and find a resource.
The next day, they tried building again using the book. The treehouse started to take shape, but it still wasn’t right. It leaned to one side. 第二天,他們再次嘗試使用這本書來建造。樹屋已經初具規模,但仍然不太對勁。它向一側傾斜。
Second attempt at building the treehouse using the book.
Sam was frustrated and blamed the book. He thought he knew better. The others looked at the treehouse with worry, but they didn’t want to upset Sam. 薩姆很沮喪,並指責這本書。他認為他更了解。其他人擔憂地看著樹屋,但他們不想讓山姆難過。
Conflict arises with frustration over the treehouse.
Mia, the youngest, spoke up. 'I think we need to start over, but this time we should follow the book exactly,' she said gently. 最小的米婭開口說。 「我認為我們需要重新開始,但這次我們應該完全按照書上的要求去做,」她溫和地說。
Character offers a solution to the problem.
They hesitated, but they all knew Mia was right. The treehouse just wasn’t safe. They took it apart and prepared to start again. 他們猶豫了,但他們都知道米婭是對的。樹屋並不安全。他們把它拆開,準備重新開始。
Group decision to try building once more.
This time, they followed the book step by step. Slowly, the treehouse became sturdy. Sam started to see that Mia’s idea was good. 這一次,他們按照書上的步驟一步一步來。慢慢地,樹屋變得堅固了。薩姆開始發現米婭的主意不錯。
Characters work together to rebuild the treehouse.
Once the treehouse was finished, they were all proud of it. 'I’m sorry I didn’t listen before,' Sam said to his friends. 樹屋建成後,他們都為此感到自豪。 「很抱歉我之前沒有聽,」山姆對他的朋友們說。
Completion of treehouse and character growth.
Lily hugged Sam. 'It’s okay. We all learned something important. We’re a team and we help each other out,' she replied with a smile. 莉莉擁抱了山姆。 '沒關係。我們都學到了一些重要的東西。我們是一個團隊,我們互相幫助。」她微笑著回答。
Expression of understanding and teamwork.
The friends had a party to celebrate the treehouse. They laughed and played games, enjoying their new hangout spot together. 朋友們舉辦了一個聚會來慶祝樹屋。他們笑著玩遊戲,一起享受他們的新聚會場所。
Celebration and enjoyment of their new creation.
From then on, whenever they faced a problem, the friends remembered to listen to each other, work together, and never be afraid to start over. 從那時起,每當遇到問題時,朋友都會記得互相傾聽,共同努力,並且永遠不要害怕重新開始。
Conclusion with moral lesson emphasized.

Reflection Questions

  • When the treehouse was leaning to one side, what would you have done if you were in Sam’s place? Why?
  • How do you think Mia felt when she suggested starting over? Was it easy or hard for her, and what would you have done in her place?
  • Why is it important for friends to listen to each other, especially when trying to solve a problem together?

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