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The True Colors

Once upon a time in a small town, Molly, a kind-hearted trans girl with long auburn hair and green eyes, faced exclusion from a group of adults, known as TERFs, for being herself.

Introduction to the main character, setting, and conflict with TERFs.

Molly felt hurt and alone, but her friend Alex, a bold and caring boy with messy brown hair and bright blue eyes, stepped in to support her. 'You are valid, Molly,' he said.

Caring boy with messy brown hair and bright blue eyes's introduction and his supportive stance towards Trans girl with long auburn hair and green eyes.

The town's annual festival arrived, bringing together families and friends. Molly, with Alex by her side, found the courage to participate and share her joy with others.

Trans girl with long auburn hair and green eyes and Caring boy with messy brown hair and bright blue eyes join the festival, embracing inclusivity and happiness.

Together, Molly and Alex showed that differences should be celebrated, not feared. The community learned to stand in unity, embracing all colors of the human rainbow.

Ending with a message of inclusivity and unity in the community.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Molly felt when she was excluded by the TERFs?
  • Why was Alex's support important for Molly?
  • What did the community learn from Molly and Alex's actions?

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