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The Waiting Village

Once in a village, oh so small, lived a Mom so tender and tall. Her son was off, to bravely fight, leaving her with dreams each night.

A peaceful, rural Vietnamese village with cozy thatched huts and lush greenery.

Days turned to weeks like birds in flight, and oh, those stars were twinkling bright. The Mom would wait beside the gate, with hope her son would end her wait.

A mother standing by a wooden gate, dusk falling with stars starting to twinkle.

Weeks became months, and still she'd cheer, with whispers, wishes, loud and clear. 'Come back, my son, oh come to me,' she'd murmured under the bodhi tree.

The mother sitting under a bodhi tree, hands clasped in a hopeful expression.

Months turned to years, now ages gone, she tended fields from dusk till dawn. Her son no news, no whisper near, but still she'd smile, snuggle her dear.

A mother working in the rice fields, her face marked by time, but she wears a gentle smile.

The seasons danced, a wondrous sight, as Mom would tell the moon goodnight. Each flower bloomed and left its place, and wrinkles formed on Mom's dear face.

Seasons changing around the mother, flowers blooming and withering, the mother with a kind, wrinkled face.

In winter's frost, she'd hum a song, in summer's sun, she'd hum along. Her voice was sweet like honeydew, her heart as strong as old bamboo.

The mother humming a tune, surrounded by frost and later by summer heat, always with a peaceful demeanor.

One day the village buzzed with news, the sky turned pink with rosy hues. 'A soldier's come! He's here today!' But Mom just whispered, 'Please, let him stay.'

The village in a state of excitement, people gathering and chattering under a pink-hued sky.

The soldier came, a kind young man, with stories of a far-off land. He'd smile and sit beside her there, and she would share her love and care.

A young soldier sitting with the mother, sharing stories, while the mother listens with warmth.

'Your son's a hero, brave and true,' the soldier said with heartfelt view. Mom smiled, a tear ran down her cheek, 'To know he's safe is what I seek.'

The mother and soldier having a heartfelt conversation, with the mother shedding a quiet tear of relief.

So time flew on, she grew more gray, but always with a hopeful sway. She knew her love was strong, and see, it flowed as timeless as the sea.

The mother growing older, her hair turning gray, but still with a hopeful and loving demeanor.

The village knew her heart was pure, her empathy a constant cure. In every heart she wove her thread, a joy that lingered where she tread.

The village appreciating the mother's heart, everyone touched by her empathy and kindness.

And in that village, oh so grand, the love she shared spread through the land. For every warrior far and wide, a mother's love could never hide.

The entire village united in the mother's loving spirit, as it spreads throughout the land like a joyful melody.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think the Mom felt while waiting for her son?
  • What can we learn from the Mom's patience and kindness?
  • Why do you think the entire village was touched by the Mom's love?

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