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The Witch and the Sick Ogre

Once upon a time, in a deep lush forest, there lived a witch and an ogre.

A witch and ogre living in a forest.

Their home was made of candy and chocolate, which made it the sweetest in the land.

Describing their candy and chocolate house.

The witch loved to create new spells, while the ogre enjoyed gardening.

Old, kind eyes, long robes, pointy hat's spells and ogre's hobby.

One sunny day, something unusual happened. The ogre felt sick and couldn't get out of bed.

Large, green skin, gentle eyes, round nose falling sick.

The witch was worried. She had never seen the ogre so ill.

Old, kind eyes, long robes, pointy hat's concern for ogre's health.

She decided to use her magic to try and make him feel better.

Old, kind eyes, long robes, pointy hat decides to help the ogre.

She brewed a colorful potion full of twinkling stars and rainbow swirls.

Old, kind eyes, long robes, pointy hat brewing a potion.

Gently, she gave the magical brew to the ogre, hoping it would cure him.

Old, kind eyes, long robes, pointy hat giving potion to the ogre.

The ogre drank the potion but didn't feel better right away, so the witch sat by his side.

Large, green skin, gentle eyes, round nose trying the potion, witch comforting him.

They talked and laughed, and the witch read stories to pass the time.

Old, kind eyes, long robes, pointy hat caring for ogre, sharing stories.

By the next morning, the ogre started to feel a little stronger.

Large, green skin, gentle eyes, round nose feeling better.

The caring witch and the grateful ogre knew their friendship was stronger than ever.

Stronger friendship between witch and ogre.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think the witch felt when the ogre got sick?
  • Can you remember a time when you helped someone feel better?
  • Why is it important to care for our friends when they are not feeling well?

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