In a faraway land, where the trees whispered secrets and flowers giggled, there was a witch named Wobble. Wobble had a crooked nose and a hat full of patches.
Wobble lived in a house that danced and sang. It had walls of jellybeans and a roof of chocolate.
But Wobble was a kind witch. She didn't like to scare anyone. She had a magical broom named Zoom that made whooshing sounds like 'Wheeeee!' when it flew.
One sunny day, Wobble heard a knock-knock-knocking on her door. It was four little kids: Tim, Kim, Sam, and Pam.
'We need your help,' said Tim. 'There's a haunted house in the village, and it's scaring everyone!'
Wobble's eyes twinkled like stars. 'Fear not, little ones! I'll brew a potion to cheer up the haunted house!'
They skipped and hopped to the haunted house. It was gloomy and sad, with walls that sighed and floors that creaked.
'Why are you so blue, dear house?' asked Wobble. 'Because no one wants to play,' the house huffed.
Wobble sprinkled her glittery potion. 'Let the fun begin!' she chanted. Suddenly, the house started to giggle.
The walls turned bright and the floors bounced like trampolines. The haunted house was now the happiest house!
'Thank you, Wobble!' cheered the kids. They had a dance party, and everyone tugged and twirled until the stars sparkled in the sky.
And from that day forward, Wobble and her friends made sure no house ever felt lonely or sad. The end.
Reflection Questions