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Timmy Tortoise and the Tale of Humble Pie

Once upon a time in the sunny Woodland Hollow, lived Timmy Tortoise who loved to show off his shiny, green shell and boast about his grandfather.

illustration of Woodland Hollow with colorful trees, sunny skies, and Timmy Tortoise with a shiny, green shell in a woodland setting showing off his shiny, green shell

‘My grandpa won a race,’ Timmy would say with a gleam, ‘He beat a speedy rabbit, like a dream!’

Timmy Tortoise with a shiny, green shell in a woodland setting proudly telling other woodland creatures about his grandfather’s race with a rabbit

Every day, the woodland creatures would hear Timmy bragging. ‘Slow and steady wins the race,’ he'd say, while they couldn’t help but nag him.

woodland creatures looking annoyed while Timmy continues to boast

One bright morning, Timmy met Riley Rabbit, a sprightly bunny with a nose so habit. ‘Why don't you race me, Timmy? Let’s see who’s the champ!’

Timmy Tortoise with a shiny, green shell in a woodland setting meeting Riley Rabbit, a sprightly and energetic bunny with a twitching nose, a young and energetic bunny with a twitching nose

With a confident nod, Timmy agreed, thinking of his grandpa's deed. The woodland creatures gathered around as the starting line was found.

woodland creatures gathering to watch the race with Timmy and Riley at the starting line

Ready, set, go! Riley zipped ahead, as Timmy started slow, remembering what grandpa said.

Riley Rabbit, a sprightly and energetic bunny with a twitching nose speeding off while Timmy Tortoise with a shiny, green shell in a woodland setting starts the race slowly and steadily

But then Riley stopped to munch on some treats, thinking she had plenty of time to defeat. Timmy kept going, slow but steady, humming a song, happy and ready.

Riley Rabbit, a sprightly and energetic bunny with a twitching nose nibbling on carrots and lettuce while Timmy continues to move forward steadily

As the race went on, Riley felt sleepy, she closed her eyes and felt quite weepy. Timmy trudged on, humming his song, not knowing this race was long.

Riley Rabbit, a sprightly and energetic bunny with a twitching nose falling asleep under a tree while Timmy steadily moves forward

When Riley awoke with a start and a scram, she saw Timmy near the line, a little jam! She dashed like the wind, but it was too late; Timmy crossed first, thanks to fate.

Riley Rabbit, a sprightly and energetic bunny with a twitching nose waking up and rushing towards the finish line where Timmy is about to cross

The crowd cheered, ‘Three cheers, hooray!’ while Riley hung her head in dismay.

woodland creatures cheering for Timmy while Riley Rabbit, a sprightly and energetic bunny with a twitching nose looks disappointed

Timmy felt a little bad for his friend, so he made amends in the end. ‘It wasn’t my grandpa’s tale, but my own,’ he confessed, ‘I learned a new lesson that I’ve known!’

Timmy Tortoise with a shiny, green shell in a woodland setting comforting Riley Rabbit, a sprightly and energetic bunny with a twitching nose and admitting his newfound lesson

‘Slow and steady can win,’ Timmy said with a grin, ‘But boasting's not the way to begin.’ And so, our tale ends with this priceless advice, being humble and kind is always nice.

Timmy Tortoise with a shiny, green shell in a woodland setting and Riley Rabbit, a sprightly and energetic bunny with a twitching nose with happy smiles, surrounded by cheering woodland creatures

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think Timmy felt bad after winning the race?
  • How do you think Riley felt when she lost the race? How would you comfort her?
  • What lesson did Timmy learn by the end of the story, and how can you apply it in your life?

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